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MINNI - Icelandic in 10 Minutes - Enska á 10 mínútum

A Game with Pictures, Words and the Memory

Or did you mean something else?
Who wanted to survive in this year's book fair should at least have been able to greet fluently in Icelandic.

"Good morning" and 35 other useful phrases with MINNI (in English: memory) can be learned within a few minutes in a playful way.

Since visualization is known to be highly useful for learning, thus memorisation and recalling, 72 completely different photos help you find the right translation. MINNI is small, funny and helpful. Minnie is a miniature art multiple, a collection of picture cards and a pairs game.

Both deLupas were present at the Book Fair, together with Klaus's Icelandic son Arne, who was responsible for the correct pronunciation.

MINNI is buyable, and this at the price of 36 € (actual sale or order). In first cases, MINNI is already available in local bookstores.